Discussion in "8051 Discussion Forum" started by    kevinharsha    Apr 3, 2019.
Wed Apr 03 2019, 10:18 pm
I had a couple of questions :-
1) Can you upload a list of components needed and the circuit diagram of the project?
2) The header file used in the project is reg52.h because of the use of timer2 and other functions which are exclusive to 8052, is there any way this project can be executed using and 8051?

Thu Apr 04 2019, 03:55 am
Ajay is very busy with business right now so may not visit for a while.
Can you give a link to the project you are asking about.
Thu Apr 04 2019, 10:35 pm

Thank you for taking your time to help me!
Sat Apr 06 2019, 03:35 am
Here is a version for the 8051.
Make sure you add delay.src to your Keil project files.
There isn't a circuit diagram as this is really about software,
but I have attached one setup you could use for testing.
No values are critical, but use a PNP transistor.


Sun Apr 14 2019, 11:56 pm
Hey! Thanks for the help! The circuit worked well with the updated code!! I just had a few questions...

1) Can you explain what is the use of the p-n-p transistor here?
2) Can you tell me what the function " void ISR_Timer1(void) interrupt 3 " does as it is not called anywhere else in the program?!
3) Can you explain the delay.src file and it's use?

[ Edited Sun Apr 14 2019, 11:58 pm ]
Tue Apr 16 2019, 05:53 am

1) Can you explain what is the use of the p-n-p transistor here?

The 8051 cannot switch much current, so the transistor amplifies that
current to drive the speaker.

2) Can you tell me what the function " void ISR_Timer1(void) interrupt 3 " does

It is the interrupt handler called by Timer 1, when the timer count overflows.

3) Can you explain the delay.src file and it's use?

The call "Delay10MC(unsigned char)" is written in assembly language to be
as accurate as possible.
Mixing assembly and 'c' can cause problems for the compiler
so in this case the partly compiled assembly code is added to the
project separately as delay.src.
It is hard to explain the details.

Read this thread for an idea of what is happening.

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