Discussion in "E107 FURL Support" started by    911fun    May 19, 2009.
Tue May 19 2009, 10:22 pm

first of all: Thank you for this great PlugIn!

I have two questions for you.

Right now my site is running for round about 6 months without FURL ( and still running without)

My question is: What impact does the change to SEO friendly URL's have to the search Engines?

Right now I have some of my keywords in the Top Places inside of Google.

What will happen to the already existing URL's of my site, which are already out in the field and known at a lot of places and websites?

This is an important question for me...

If this has no negative impact on the search engines here is my second question.

I guess there are a lot of you guys who have made modifications a lot of times and this might be easier for you. So I would like to ask you to get all FURL Files modified exactly for my needs ( for all PlugIns I use on my site)

If I install FURL right now it works of course for some parts of my site, but as expected not for all.

Like: page.php?1 = page1.html is working fine
But page.php?10 = page.php?10 is not working same for all 3 digit page numbers

I would send the one who can modify all the files some money via paypal...

Please let me know what you think and thx for you replies rgd the first question.

The additional modules I use and need:


Thank you
Wed May 20 2009, 03:26 am
well there maybe a lot to edit.. i cant assure of all plugins will be supported or not coz it depends on the plugin writer how he/she wrote the plugin.

all i can say is i can try.

Please before using FURL, some people have reported problems with FURL after uninstall so i suggest you to do a test install on a test website first and then do install on main site. most problems are faced cause of themes so its better if you test with same theme as u are using on ur live site.

this is a kind of preventive measure. nothing much.

regarding modules u need.. well i will do that for you. as i said i cant be sure of all the plugins to be compatible, but most of them are compatible.

You may send a gift value of your choice to bhargav[dot]ajay [at] gmail [dot] com via Paypal once you are happy with the work thanks!

you can mail me ur site details at contact [at] rickeyworld [dot] info
Wed May 20 2009, 03:33 am
Thx for your reply!

I sent you an eMail with my site information

its http://www.911fun.com

I really appreciate your help!


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