Discussion in "E107 FURL Support" started by    Mykey    Feb 13, 2007.
Sat Apr 21 2007, 11:46 pm
Great plugin - thanks!

I would like to add the e_classifieds plugin to the furl htaccess script if possible and I am not having much joy by myself.

I tired adding:

# Classified PLUGIN ===================================
RewriteRule classifieds.html e107_plugins/e_classifieds/classifieds.php

but it did not work - any additional help would be greatly appreciated!

[ Edited Sun Apr 22 2007, 12:18 am ]
 tienduhieu like this.
Tags e107 pluginsrewriterulefurlhtaccessgreatly appreciated
Sun Apr 22 2007, 02:07 pm
you just not have to make entry in the .htaccess file...
but also in the plugin files.. e_module.php and sitelinks
 tienduhieu like this.
Tags htaccess fileplugin files
Sun Apr 22 2007, 08:28 pm
I'll look into that - thanks!
 tienduhieu like this.
Mon May 07 2007, 05:05 pm
I have a problem when im using ecpatcha plugin with furl. Furl defunctions(is this the right word?) ecaptcha. I have described my problem here: http://e107coders.org/downloads1487.html (last post). Authow of ecaptcha write to me:
"Your problem is not just limited to ecaptcha, every part of the site
with a index.php is directing back to the main page.

I suspect you have put a redirect for index.php in your .htaccess

.htaccess rules apply to subfolders, not just the current folder, so
you need to remove it. "


"Dont use a .htaccess redirect, upload the index.php that comes with
e107 and it will automatically redirect people to the news.php "

For now i have deleted FURL, because, to have site protected from bots is more important to me than to have SEO.

BTW: I dont watching whats going on with FURL much, but It will be nice if FURL will have more friendly urls. To have in url title of certain item or forum etc, instead of news12.html etc.
 tienduhieu like this.
Mon May 07 2007, 07:00 pm
I did not work on what you said regarding the links. I understood what you wanted to do.

and regarding ecaptcha plugin. do this way..
there is a like as below.. remove it and everything will be fine.
RewriteRule index.php news.php

remove the above line and check captcha
 tienduhieu like this.
Tue Jul 03 2007, 12:02 pm
Hello, I'm having some trouble integrating the Event Calendar plugin with FURL. Everything else has been working excellently for me (oh the magic of apache's mod_rewrite!) but even though (I think) I've entered every url the plugin uses into the appropriate files in the appropriate format, it still isn't formatting my url's correctly.

Here is the code I have added, could you just look this over and tell me what I'm missing? I just can't seem to spot it.


# CALENDAR EVENTS PLUGIN =====================
RewriteRule calendar.php e107_plugins/calendar_menu/calendar.php
RewriteRule calendar([0-9]*)\.php(.*)$ e107_plugins/calendar_menu/calendar.php?$1
RewriteRule event.php e107_plugins/calendar_menu/event.php
RewriteRule event([0-9]*)\.php(.*)$ e107_plugins/calendar_menu/event.php?$1
RewriteRule event([0-9]*)-one\.php(.*)$ e107_plugins/calendar_menu/event.php?$1.one
RewriteRule event([0-9]*)-event([0-9]*)\.php(.*)$ e107_plugins/calendar_menu/event.php?$1.event.$2
RewriteRule event([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)\.php(.*)$ e107_plugins/calendar_menu/event.php?$1.$2
RewriteRule event([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)-m4\.php(.*)$ e107_plugins/calendar_menu/event.php?$1.$2.m4
RewriteRule event-ne([0-9]*)\.php(.*)$ e107_plugins/calendar_menu/event.php?ne.$1
RewriteRule subscribe.php e107_plugins/calendar_menu/subscribe.php


$patterns[41] = '/e107_plugins\/calendar_menu\/calendar\.php/';
$replacements[41] = 'calendar.php';

$patterns[42] = '/e107_plugins\/calendar_menu\/calendar\.php\?([0-9]+)/';
$replacements[42] = 'calendar$1.php';

$patterns[43] = '/e107_plugins\/calendar_menu\/event\.php/';
$replacements[43] = 'event.php';

$patterns[44] = '/e107_plugins\/calendar_menu\/event\.php\?([0-9]+)/';
$replacements[44] = 'event$1.php';

$patterns[45] = '/e107_plugins\/calendar_menu\/event\.php\?([0-9]+)\.one/';
$replacements[45] = 'event$1-one.php';

$patterns[46] = '/e107_plugins\/calendar_menu\/event\.php\?([0-9]+)\.event\.([0-9+)/';
$replacements[46] = 'event$1-event$2.php';

$patterns[47] = '/e107_plugins\/calendar_menu\/event\.php\?([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/';
$replacements[47] = 'event$1-$2.php';

$patterns[48] = '/e107_plugins\/calendar_menu\/event\.php\?([0-9]+\.([0-9]+)\.m4/';
$replacements[48] = 'event$1-$2-m4.php';

$patterns[49] = '/e107_plugins\/calendar_menu\/event\.php\?ne\.([0-9]+)/';
$replacements[49] = 'event-ne$1.php';

$patterns[50] = '/e107_plugins\/calendar_menu\/subscribe\.php/';
$replacements [50] = 'subscribe.php';

and sitelinks.sc is the exact same as e_module.php.

A current example can be found here. Thank you for your help resolving this little issue with your excellent plugin!

edit: To clarify the problem- When I rewrite the url /e107_plugins/calendar_menu/calendar.php?##, to make it accept and forward the format newURL##.php, it converts all the links to newURL.php?##.

[ Edited Tue Jul 03 2007, 12:10 pm ]
 tienduhieu like this.
Tue Jul 03 2007, 10:41 pm
its not recommended to have .php extension it might give you 500 Internal Server Error. but anyways.. if its working fine then no issues..
so.. regarding your problem, you need to shuffle the links in e_module and sitelinks.sc files..
e.g. move pattern 41 to the last.. of course you have to change the count too. try it and you will see.
actually replace thing find the calender link first as the combination without lookin at other links.. so try putting the pattern 41 to the end.
 tienduhieu like this.
Fri Oct 12 2007, 09:37 pm
Really nice plugin but it doesn't work with newsfeed


Thank you for your help
Fri Oct 12 2007, 11:15 pm
you might need to add few lines of code in e_module.php and sitelinks.sc to make newsfeed work.. also need to add rewrite links in .htaccess file. Take a look at the e_module file to know more..
 thebushtucker like this.
Mon Oct 15 2007, 11:56 pm
I did what you said but it didn't work neither with the one from MoggieX
I really need some help please

[ Edited Mon Oct 15 2007, 11:57 pm ]

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